Welcome bloggers, this is Faidhi if you didn't know.
So last week I created a blog post about the process of the Celebration day soap, Now, I'll tell
more about the gala day. So the gala day was at the 25th of November and was at 10:30 AM.
There was a variety of fun things like cultural performances, games and stalls etc. I was dancing the
Samoan performance, it was really cool. After the Gala/Celebration day, we were given a task to describe the gala day by using the De Bono thinking hats. We had to answer a range of questions about how you feel, was it successful? etc
Here is what I've done.
Some things that were hard was that the soap, it took time so I had to be
Friday, December 8, 2017
Wednesday, December 6, 2017
Hi there bloggers.
For our inquiry project for 3 terms, it's not what you think it is .
We had to make soap, by mixing in a whole variety of ingredients (e.g. glycerine, Shea butter etc)
We also made them from grating mandarins and lemons and other natural ingredients to make the soap economical.
We also made them from grating mandarins and lemons and other natural ingredients to make the soap economical.
We also had to advertise the soap like make posters and create a digital one
to present at the Waikowhai Gala day. Just so you know the Waikowhai gala day is where students are going to sell
a variety of items and other things (e.g. Food, games etc). We are having the Gala day because we wanted to fix the junior playground.
We finally had to sort the packaging of the soap by using shells instead of your everyday cardboard
The easy part of all this process is that it was pretty easy drawing posters and making soap
etc. The most challenging part is that it took a lot of time and I was a little impatient.
here are some photos Mr Ross took.
Here is what is what it looks like
when we sell it on the Gala.
when we sell it on the Gala.
Tuesday, December 5, 2017
Hello there bloggers,
Its been almost the end of the year, So lets move on. There was a lady that introduced us to the summer learning program. I did I task and it said that I mus choose one country. I dont have time to explain what the program is but let's move on
1. Because I was born from the country.
2.Because it has interesting culture
Its been almost the end of the year, So lets move on. There was a lady that introduced us to the summer learning program. I did I task and it said that I mus choose one country. I dont have time to explain what the program is but let's move on
1. Because I was born from the country.
2.Because it has interesting culture
Thursday, November 9, 2017
Faidhi's math slide (Full version)
We all know that 2 - 3 weeks ago that I did a similar post\
but didn't present you the whole slide, but this time, I'll show you. So for the last two weeks, I explained you how my NZ journey works and how you manage thing,
so I don't need to explain it. If you know how I did it, go check out my latest blog post before
this. So I decided to show you the whole slide for you to see what I did and how much I spent etc.
I learned that I had to be patient so I could finish my work and also that It was not a competition to get 1st to finish.
Feel free to comment about what you think of my work.
but didn't present you the whole slide, but this time, I'll show you. So for the last two weeks, I explained you how my NZ journey works and how you manage thing,
so I don't need to explain it. If you know how I did it, go check out my latest blog post before
this. So I decided to show you the whole slide for you to see what I did and how much I spent etc.
I learned that I had to be patient so I could finish my work and also that It was not a competition to get 1st to finish.
Feel free to comment about what you think of my work.
Friday, October 27, 2017
Faidhi's math slide
Hello bloggers, It's a new term and this is my first term 4 blog post. On term 4 day 2, Mr Ross set a maths task not like any other. We had to complete a maths slide that involves lots of math. We had to pretend we were adults because we had to book planes, hire cars, save money etc. We started to ride a plane to Dunedin. We had to travel all the way to the top of NZ, Cape reinga. I thought this was going to be really hard but it was pretty easy. It was easy doing the math, but it took a lot of time. It took me three days to finish and I had some friends to help me.... like they would say what they recommend. This is a screenshot to give you a hint what I've been doing.
We had budget of 500 $ and we had to pay below 500 $ a day. I was over budgeting because I really liked the fun activities.

I chose air NZ because it was cheaper and I needed to save my money.
I chose they expensive one because I knew I needed to go expensive at one point.
I chose the cheap one because I would not want to spend tooo much.
We had budget of 500 $ and we had to pay below 500 $ a day. I was over budgeting because I really liked the fun activities.

I chose air NZ because it was cheaper and I needed to save my money.

Friday, September 29, 2017
Cyber smart My Maps
Hello there bloggers, This week for cyber smart again, Gerhard taught us something that the year six's already knew. He taught us how to use google maps. He set out a task to pick locations about where our school is and where other schools in digital learning clusters are. We also had to pick locations where our family was born and the locations of visitors to our blog from 5 countries. This task was challenging because it cost us a lot of time and we had to search up the places. Another thing that was challenging was that we had little time after the last session of taekwondo. The last thing is that all the clusters apart from the Ako Hiko program, such as the Manaiakalani program, had hard names. There are 4 programs apart from Ako Hiko and we had to pick one school in each program to map. At the end of the day, I'm glad that I completed this because this has got to be one of the hardest cyber smart tasks that I have ever done.
By the way, it's my last blog post of term 3. Happy holidays!
Check out my map below to see the connections I've made with my blog.
Friday, September 15, 2017
Cross Country
Hello there bloggers.
This week on Tuesday, the most ridiculous event just happened.
The event was a running event and it was called cross country.
We actually didn't cross the country but I didn't know what the name meant.
Anyway, the whole school had to split into their year groups like year 6's, 4's etc.
We had to run like about 1 kilometre or maybe 2 but it was so tiring.
After the run, the teachers ran a bake sale and anyone who had money could buy a
cookie or a cake and the price to buy it would be cheap.
I still wonder would it be tiring if we did 5 kilometres or would we still be
These is some of the photos that the teachers took.
really cool because I can't believe that I could complete a 2 kilometre course.
Monday, September 11, 2017
The crazy science show
This week, the whole Waikowhai Primary school assembled in the school hall.
The reason we did it is because there was a event called the crazy science show.
The show was actually really crazy because there was some amazing tricks that combined science and magic.
There was a girl and a boy, the girl was called Robbin and she did the sound affects as we watched the show. The boy was called Richard and he did the crazy experiments. The most interesting thing about the show that he was explaining about oxygen and how do you make fire. Another thing I found interesting was that the thinnest object in the world was the bubble and we can still see it!! I was amazed by the one trick he did,
he had a hairdryer, than he held it vertically and turned it on, he then placed a ping pong on the hairdryer and it floated to the air! It floated because the fast moving air pulls it up while gravity pulls it down. I still wonder if there was no oxygen on Earth, would we live, or would we die. I learned that if you mix chemicals there are called a chemical reaction and it creates something. I also wanted it to last the whole block because I wanted to learn more
Overall the science show so far was the best event I had in 2017 and the funniest.
he had a hairdryer, than he held it vertically and turned it on, he then placed a ping pong on the hairdryer and it floated to the air! It floated because the fast moving air pulls it up while gravity pulls it down. I still wonder if there was no oxygen on Earth, would we live, or would we die. I learned that if you mix chemicals there are called a chemical reaction and it creates something. I also wanted it to last the whole block because I wanted to learn more
Friday, September 8, 2017
My Pepeha
Hello bloggers, this week after we went to camp, all three Te Waka Ako classes needed to finish our camp poems and our Pepeha. We started both of these the week before camp and most people didn't manage to finish it. We did our camp poems like this, we had to write your own poem about camps like in the mountains, forests etc. If we finished that, you had to draw a setting that is related to the poem and you need to write the poem inside the drawing. After you finished the good copy, you move on to your Pepeha.
This was the hardest part, because you needed to choose a tukutuku pattern and you have to copy it in paper. Then, you needed to draw a box in the middle and you had to identify yourself like whats your name and where do you live etc
This was my Pepeha
I am so relieved to get both of the poem and the Pepeha done because to get both of them finished,
it was hard work.
This was the hardest part, because you needed to choose a tukutuku pattern and you have to copy it in paper. Then, you needed to draw a box in the middle and you had to identify yourself like whats your name and where do you live etc
This was my Pepeha
I am so relieved to get both of the poem and the Pepeha done because to get both of them finished,
it was hard work.
Friday, September 1, 2017
Hello there bloggers, last week while I was away from school, Me and almost all the students
from Te Waka Ako drove a trip to Mount Ruapehu.
We made a stop at Hamilton Gardens and we did a competition where
you had to find a place where it says on the paper. My colour group ( Pink ) won the competition and the prize is a chocolate bar where I ate later at Otorohanga. We did another challenge that we will be given another sheet of paper and it will tell questions and we had to solve them. So we walked at the Sir Edmund Hillary walkway.
There were lots of boards and it shows us the famous things of NZ (e.g weet-bix, All blacks) . On the mountain, in the first day, There was a very long queue, so I had to wait a long time to get my boots, skis and poles, when I got all three gears, there was a lesson about how to stop on your skis. It wasn't my best day because I fell down alot and I felt like I wanted
to quit. But when I went to Happy Valley, I was having fun by doing things freely and I got to the cafe whenever I wanted to. When we finished camp, we did a digital camp booklet that we had to complete,
it was about how are you feeling after the trip, drawing of my adventure etc
We made a stop at Hamilton Gardens and we did a competition where
you had to find a place where it says on the paper. My colour group ( Pink ) won the competition and the prize is a chocolate bar where I ate later at Otorohanga. We did another challenge that we will be given another sheet of paper and it will tell questions and we had to solve them. So we walked at the Sir Edmund Hillary walkway.
There were lots of boards and it shows us the famous things of NZ (e.g weet-bix, All blacks) . On the mountain, in the first day, There was a very long queue, so I had to wait a long time to get my boots, skis and poles, when I got all three gears, there was a lesson about how to stop on your skis. It wasn't my best day because I fell down alot and I felt like I wanted
to quit. But when I went to Happy Valley, I was having fun by doing things freely and I got to the cafe whenever I wanted to. When we finished camp, we did a digital camp booklet that we had to complete,
it was about how are you feeling after the trip, drawing of my adventure etc
This was my digital booklet.
Overall camp was amazing, I had fun at the mountain and I would like to go there
Overall camp was amazing, I had fun at the mountain and I would like to go there
Friday, August 18, 2017
Tae kwon do
Hello bloggers, this week at Thursday 17th August, Waitemata did a program on tae kwon do.
The tae kwon do program started on week 1 but that time, it was on Wednesday. On week 2, we did a competition known as the power punch competition. It was about how you had to punch an empty bag and we did two competitions. It was about who punches and lands the furtherest and who slides the furtherest.
The next week, we did a warm up about relays, we had to stay into 5 groups, then we had to do push ups 5 times and we had to tag the next person. After that, we did the scissor kick competition. The tae kwon do teacher held an empty bag above our height and we had to scissor kick it. You kick it too low, you are out.
I think it was fun because I had never done that before. Here are some photos about the relay practice.

Friday, August 11, 2017
Commenting a good comment
Hello bloggers, this week for cyber smart, Gerard set us a task to make a good comment. We practised in a commenting template, we wrote about positive, thoughtful and helpful thoughts. We also did a question one where we have to write a question. I looked at room 9 May road school and I screenshot-ed their blog post about the cook islands national anthem. This was my work. I found this easy because I knew what class to pick.
Friday, August 4, 2017
Maths creation
Hello there bloggers, this week for maths we created a mini tent. We created by using tooth picks and modelling clay. We created this because I think we wanted to be creative. The problems I encountered were that I couldn't get a clear idea at the beginning but i began to understand while I was doing it. But after a few minutes, it began to fall because it was either it stayed there to long or not enough strength. I also had fun because I think I made a creative tent. I found out that you can stick toothpicks into modelling clay. The shapes I made were triangles, cross and a cone. This was my creation.
Friday, July 28, 2017
Puncuation work
Hi there bloggers,
This term, the teachers of Te Waka Ako have set new tasks
for us this term. It is something called the literacy tumble, the
literacy tumble is a set of tasks that we have to do every day (Except
Friday) between 9.05 - 9.30 or 9.30 - 9.55. I've only done one of them, so this
is my work. My work is about putting the commas in the right place. I found this work easy and
I am still working on them.
I am still working on them.
Friday, July 7, 2017
Friday, June 23, 2017
Painting the town personal response
Hi there, this week for reading, we read a book journal called
painting the town and we red the book before up the pipe
and the worlds water is running out. The town was based on
Christchurch, the city that always have earthquakes. So the book was
about almost half of Christchurch's were toppled and everyone is sad. So artists decided to
paint the town to lift the people's spirit up. So top secret (reading group) did an
personal response about what we liked, questions etc.
This is my response.
Thursday, June 22, 2017
Compare and constrast map
Hi there bloggers. This week for reading, we have been reading two books/Journals. The books were named up the pipe and the worlds water is running out. Those two books/Journals were based on the environment about water and sludge. One the books, Up the pipe, Waitemata, my home group, made soap by following the steps in the book! So we did a compare and contrast map that shows the differences and similarities between the two books. This was my map.
Friday, June 16, 2017
Changing our blog appearence
Hi there, this week for cyber smart, Jared came in and taught us how to change our blog appearance by doing
be funky. First, we had to log in to thing link, then we had to take a webcam, then we can change our skin,
hair and we can even add graphics! The reason why we had to do this is that people who visit our blog won't
recognize us.

As I was doing this, I never expected to look this cool. I have never been on this experience. I noticed
that I could go into the internet and search up cool stuff. I also noticed that there are lots of graphics that you can choose and you can select one by adding your own one or a picture of an event (e.g earth day, winter, Mothers day).
As I was doing this, I never expected to look this cool. I have never been on this experience. I noticed
that I could go into the internet and search up cool stuff. I also noticed that there are lots of graphics that you can choose and you can select one by adding your own one or a picture of an event (e.g earth day, winter, Mothers day).
Friday, May 26, 2017
Moving into the new classroom - Te waka ako
Hi there, this monday, rooms seven,eight and nine moved to the new building. Before that, we sang warm pacific greetings, then aotearoa. The kapa haka sang a song. After that michael wood talked about how grateful he was to open a new building because it was his first one. After a few minutes, michael finally cut the ribbon. We were really excited to go into the new buildings to take a look. We went inside te waka ako, the name of the building. It had four colours. Blue was named Hauraki, yellow was manukau and my classroom, green, was called waitemata. As the juniors went in, they could see some new furniture and there some old ones. they weren’t allowed to wear shoes because the government made the decision.The whole school had to line up in front of the building for the big ceremony where it was cold. Michel wood cut the Ribbon and it was
officially open.We get all this new furniture. All room seven,eight and nine are all in one classroom.We can work with other people and the furnitures comfortable.I felt excited when I caught sight of it.I was also feeling cold because of the weather.
I was feeling kind of nervous when I got in because it was kind of confusing.We learnt from different teacher’s and get to work with different student’s. We Get to put our bags and shoes in cubbiholes.
Right now we cannot wear shoes in the classroom. We cannot run in the classrooms. We can move any space you want but you have to play by the rules. The negative was that we miss our old classrooms.We can’t put our shoes inside. Sometimes we don’t know if the bell rang.
The negative was that we miss our old classrooms.We can’t put our shoes inside. Sometimes we don’t know if the bell rang.

Thursday, May 18, 2017
Our cybersmart lesson
On week 3 Term 2,
On week 3 Term 2, cyber smart returned to room 7. James couldn't teach room 7, so a guy named Jerad came to our class. He talked us about digital footprints. Room 7 did a task to open the syndicate page, then we did a drawing about who do you think is coming to our blog. Please feel free to comment.
Wednesday, May 10, 2017
Facts about matariki
This term, room 7 had to search up facts or we could use our general knowledge about
matariki. We also did a padlet about this where we had to gather up videos and pictures. Here is my google drawing about matariki Please feel
free to comment.
matariki. We also did a padlet about this where we had to gather up videos and pictures. Here is my google drawing about matariki Please feel
free to comment.
Friday, March 31, 2017
Thing link creative writing
In week 9 of Term 1, The class did some creative writing. First, we had to go to thing link and log in. Then, we had to search up a picture about nature(eg. beaches, forests, rivers). We had to write at least 10 sentences about the picture, some even wrote more than 10, here is my creative writing. I hope you like it and it would be even better if you could leave me i comment.
Tuesday, March 21, 2017
During Early march, we were starting to do swimming again on Cameron pools and on the school
pool.Every Monday and Friday we would swim on the the school pool unlike Cameron pools when
we had to swim Tuesday and Thursday. On the last day of swimming, we went to Cameron pools for
the last time and we had to do 2 races with six other people and if one of them is the fastest, they go
on the relay races on the end of the day. The fastest of the relay races gets to go on the swimming
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